I’m so excited to kick off another year of 10-on-10! Some months are exciting, some more routine, but you never know what will come.
This month you’ll get a peek inside my life as a birth photographer. True to form, babies are often out to show who’s boss… and a planned C-section for next week turned into an unexpected delivery today. The evening of the 9th found me at the hospital waiting for the doctor and my friend’s hubby to join us, and as the calendar rolled to the 10th I prepared to wait for new life. Here’s a look at my day…

12 a.m. : Waiting at the hospital. At this particular hospital, both the surgeon and anesthesiologist must agree to a photographer in the OR, and this time they said no, but I still waited on hold so that the minute they were in recovery I could take pictures of all the “firsts.”

2:30 a.m. : Newborn baby squish! Baby getting lots of snuggles, and I get photos of baby with parents as well as sneaking some close-ups.

4 a.m. : Crummy iPhone pic, but posting for documentation. I arrived home at 3:45 to find the baby screaming and all three of my kids awake. I sent hubby to bed with the older two while I took the baby.

8 a.m. : After getting hubby out of bed at 6 because I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, I fell asleep for two hours. My alarm rudely went off at 8 and I find baby and hubby like this. I rush to get the kids ready for drop off at my in-laws because I am headed back to the hospital because my client’s son is scheduled to arrive with the grandparents soon to meet the new baby.

10:30 a.m. : Big brother meets his new baby sister! One of my favorite things to document as a birth photographer.

11:30 a.m. : I photograph lots of baby details before I “call it a day” at the hospital and leave the family to enjoy their precious bundle of joy in peace.

12 p.m. : Stopped for coffee on my way to get the kids and as I exited, saw this sign. Snapped iPhone pic. Seriously, this cracks me up!

9:30 p.m. : after importing the pictures from the birth earlier in the day, I set to work on first edits and getting a few quick “sneak peeks” up for the parents. “Birth-days” are my favorites but are long days. It’s all worth it, though!
And for our first 10-on-10 of the new year, I am joined by my friends…
Beth in Oregon, Neyssa in Washington, Amy in Las Vegas, Tina in Wisconsin
Please check out their sites and leave some comments to chat with us! Also, stay tuned for the official “sneak peek” of beautiful baby H’s birth…
The post Maple Valley family photographer: First 10-on-10 of 2014 appeared first on Sara Arrigoni Photography.